Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles for Authors

Submitted articles must be original.

Authors are resposible from the opinions expressed in the published articles.

All responsibilities arising from non-compliance with ethical rules in all submitted scientific studies belong to the author.

Questionnaire, observation, experiment, focus group work, interview, etc. Permission for research information conducted by collecting data from its participants with techniques is the responsibility of the authors and the responsibility belongs to the author.

Authors should cite the sources they use correctly in line with ethical principles.

Submitted works must not have been sent for publication elsewhere at the same time. Studies published previously should not be resubmitted for publication in our journal.

Ethical Principles for Referees

The referees evaluate the articles according to the blind review system.

Studies are evaluated by confidential, independent and expert referees.

Reviewers should agree to evaluate only articles related to their field of expertise.

The referees should make the evaluation impartially and confidentially.

In case of conflict of interest or association, the referees may reject the article by informing the editor.

Referees should clearly state their reasons for acceptance or rejection to the editor, with an explanation.

Criticism of the article should be objective, directed at the text, not the author.

Studies can be published with the positive opinion of at least two referees.

In case of an acceptance or rejection, a third referee’s opinion is taken.

Ethical Principles for Editors

The editor ensures that articles and manuscripts are sent to expert referees.

It does not send the article to the referees who may have a conflict of interest on the subject.

The editor has the right to accept or reject the original works by evaluating them according to the publication policy, writing and ethical rules.

It keeps the identity information of the referees confidential and ensures the protection of personal data in the articles.

It pays attention to the confidentiality of the submitted articles, and maintains the principles of confidentiality after rejection or publication.

Applies the rules of blind refereeing and evaluation process expressed in the publication policies.

It ensures that the studies are evaluated fairly and as soon as possible.

It takes into account the complaints and suggestions, examines them and makes the necessary notifications.

Responsible for protecting research data, author’s data.